The 7 essential steps to servicing a clock movement

Why does a mechanical clock movement require servicing? The answer is quite straightforward. Maintaining your clock’s movement is essential to ensure it continues to function properly and extends its lifespan. Regular servicing reduces wear and tear, ultimately preserving the clock’s functionality. Ideally, most clocks should undergo servicing every three to five years to maximize longevity. … More The 7 essential steps to servicing a clock movement

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Forestville mantel clock servicing – not fun when things go wrong! Part II

Back in October (2020), I wrote about the challenges of working on this mantel clock by Forestville. Recap so far It is a nondescript Art Deco-style German mantel clock made in the 1960s sold under the Forestville name, a Toronto-based company that assembled clocks up to the 1970s. The rack and snail movement is relatively … More Forestville mantel clock servicing – not fun when things go wrong! Part II

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So you want to fix a mechanical clock – Part II – advanced tools

For antique and vintage clock repair having a selection of quality tools is absolutely essential. As an avid enthusiast and a keen learner over the past 7 years, I have been steadily building my knowledge of clock repair and with it a selection of essential clock tools. Disclaimer. While not a trained horologist I have … More So you want to fix a mechanical clock – Part II – advanced tools

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