Upcoming clock articles – Join me as I travel to the UK

Retirement certainly offers its perks. In the coming weeks, I plan to delve into some of my clock-related adventures, which will involve traveling to the UK. I’ve always been captivated by the world around us, and I’m excited to explore as much as I can during this journey.

Unwanted or unloved long-case clocks in an antique shop
Unwanted or unloved long-case clocks in an antique shop

I believe travel can expand one’s outlook on life. I’ve always been intrigued by how others live and the places they call home. Travel has the power to expand one’s perspective because it exposes us to new cultures, ideas, and ways of life. Experiencing different environments and observing how others live can lead to a deeper understanding of the world and challenge our own assumptions and beliefs. It broadens our horizons and allows us to appreciate the diversity and richness of human experience.

The author is assisting with clock-winding duties at an old country inn

Britain holds great importance in horology, and I look forward to viewing clocks in museums and other places of interest. Britain also holds personal significance for me because my roots trace back there.

My upcoming trip to the UK offers a chance to explore not only my passion for horology but also my own heritage. I am excited to delve into the country’s rich history and culture while reconnecting with my roots.

The journey promises to be enriching and fulfilling, and I look forward to gaining a deeper understanding of horology. Stay tuned for more adventures ahead!

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4 thoughts on “Upcoming clock articles – Join me as I travel to the UK

  1. I hope you enjoy your trip to the UK! If your in the North East then the Bowes Museum is worth a look. They have the famous Silver Swan – a fine Clockwork automata – as well as a very nice couple of clocks including a very fine John Harrison – Newcastle.


    1. Sorry for the delayed response, Richard. My wife and I recently got back from the UK. During our trip, an important family issue came up, causing the blog to take a back seat. We managed to have several clock experiences which I will detail in blog articles to come. Unfortunately, I could not see everything though your suggestion sounds intriguing.


    1. Sorry for the delayed response, Hugh. My wife and I recently got back from the UK. During our trip, an important family issue came up, causing the blog to take a back seat. We managed to have several clock experiences which I will detail in blog articles to come.


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